School Football Field Illumination Project

2018-11-28 15:36:52

The case study is about the primary school football field and secondary school football field. The course is the standard football field. It is an important place for teachers and students to gather daily sports activities and school meetings.

They used 32 sets of 1000W traditional metal halide lamps for the filed. The metal halide lamps not only consume high energy, but also have serious light decay. Short lifespan for light source. Although the lamps are maintained at least twice a year, half of the lamps are broken down or damaged. The position of  poles is not evenly distributed in the corners of the filed. One of the poles is located at the rear side of the auditorium. It’s far away from the field. If the lamps are installed too low or the beam angle is too large, some of the light will be blocked by the roof,forming a clear shadow on the field.

The school hope that they can provide a good lighting environment for the teachers and students through the illumination renovation project.The project should achieve the aim of durable and energy saving on the basics.

In response to customer requirements and combined with the actual situation of the site, PCcooler proposed a lighting renovation project. We use 16 sets of TS250-250W stadium lights to replace broken-down and damaged metal halide lamps. The installation height is 30 meters, the total number of lamps maintained at 32 set.After the transformation, the total power of the lamps is decreased from 32KW to 20KW, which is reduced by 12KW. However, the average illumination of the field has not been reduced. There is no shadow on the filed, which satisfies the illumination requirements of customers. The uniformity of illumination increases to 0.45, greatly improving the visual comfort .

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